C-DRAIN returned with a new sound & a surprising Pink floyd cover! As the artist explains : “with all the respect to the original, for me a cover to become a true cover needs to suggest something different. I approached it with this aesthetic shaping a more cinematic & dreamy/ambient-like soundscape. Changed, amongst other things, also the harmony a bit by altering the chords towards that sound & tuned to A=415Hz, as I usually prefer, for a more ‘earthy’ tone & vibe. Lyrically, ‘hanging over the same old ground’ instead of ‘running’, as for me ‘hanging’ suggests a more dreamy-like scenario, perhaps as it would in a Dali painting, remaining suspended.” Check it out is deffinetly unique!
Tag Archives: C-Drain
Summer grooves on – antidote to the lock-down blues!
Out on spotify, itunes & all major web-stores on 10/8 by CPS-Records
1st review in greece for c-drain new single!
C-DRAIN – ‘ANHYDROUS’ New Single & Video OUT NOW!
C-DRAIN – #Anhydrous Available on Spotify & all web-stores by CPS-Records! https://youtu.be/kIzv8LW6_VI
New C-DRAIN Single & Music Video out 24/6!!!
Indie-rocker C-DRAIN has unveiled a new video for his brand new single Anhydrous, which arrives on streaming and download platforms on 24/6.
The atmospheric slice of indie blends with cinematic arrangement and production in this emotional duet with evocative vocal performances and lyrics.
More News Soon!

***C-DRAIN in #TOP 5 New Alternative Rock bands around the WORLD***
***CDRAIN in #TOP5 #New #AlternativeRock #bands around the #WORLD***by Wtyt 960 #USA! This is kinda AWESOME really..! best line about new single Come On! : ‘If they fancy to dance in indie mood they should!’ read more below – cheers for the cool review, adding Come On! on main playlist & presenting new #NoPlumbingBusiness Ep Album to #WTYT960
#Listen / Buy Full Album:
♫ Spotify: goo.gl/c3iutm
♫ iTunes: goo.gl/MgJzri
YouTube : https://youtu.be/AqRhzMLP3qw
*No Plumbing Business Ep Album Out Now!!!
#Available in all major web-stores & on #CD by CPS-Records.
C-DRAIN’s single Come On! Climbed in #TOP20 #USA #Charts
C-DRAIN’s single Come On! Climbed in #TOP20 #USA #Charts this Week !!! That’s 7 weeks in a row now in #365TopCharts!
Listen / Buy Full Album:
♫ Spotify: goo.gl/c3iutm
♫ iTunes: goo.gl/MgJzri
*No Plumbing Business Ep Album Out Now! Available in all major web-stores & on CD by CPS-Records.
***Come On! in TOP 30 USA Charts for 5th Week!!!
C-DRAIN new single Come On! in TOP 30 USA Charts!!! That’s 5 weeks in a row now!!!
Come On! YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/AqRhzMLP3qw
#Listen / Buy Full Album:
♫ Spotify: goo.gl/c3iutm
♫ iTunes: goo.gl/MgJzri
*No Plumbing Business Ep Album Out Now!
Available in all major web-store & on CD by CPS-Records.
C-DRAIN Live & New Ep album Launch: 1/3 Ioannina @Route 66, 15/3 Athens @ Faust.
C-DRAIN full band live & New Ep Album Launch : THU 1st of March Ioannina @Route 66, and THU March 15 Athens @ Faust. More TBA!
Ioannina event: https://www.facebook.com/events/949935158516293/
Live @ Faust, Athens Press Release:
C-DRAIN Live & Παρουσίαση Δίσκου!
Ο C-DRAIN επιστρέφει με νέο δίσκο για ένα μοναδικό Full-Band Live στο FAUST την Πέμπτη 15/3. Αφηχθής απο το Λονδίνο και μετά απο χρόνια μουσικών περιηγήσεων στο εξωτερικό, θα κάνει την παρουσίαση της νέας του δουλειάς το “No Plumbing Business!” Ep, που έχει λάβει ήδη εξαιρετικές κριτικές σε Ελλάδα και Εξωτερικό, με broadcasts στο BBC RADIO και προβολή του από τον μεγάλο Brian Wilson των The Beach Boys!
Ο C-DRAIN – κατα κόσμον Christos Pappas – θα παρουσιάσει με την μπάντα του ένα πρόγραμμα με τα νέα του κομμάτια απο το νέο δίσκο *No Plumbing Business Ep, αλλά και πρόσφατα αγαπημένα όπως και “πειραγμένες” διασκευές και απο το προηγούμενο του «Covers Unplugged Ep» όπως και πολλές εκπλήξεις! Ένα πρόγραμμα πλαισιωμένο με πολλή ενέργεια, ηλεκτρικό και ακουστικό ήχο, βγαλμένο κατευθείαν από την Βρετανική σκηνή με indie αισθητική, που κυμαίνεται από το Αγγλικό post-80’s rock, Αμερικάνικο folk, μέχρι Ska, indie-Dance αλλά και Alternative διαδρομές…!
New Single : Come On! : https://youtu.be/AqRhzMLP3qw
Christos Pappas – Vocals, Electric & Acoustic Guitar
Spiros Foukis – Drums
Dimitris Varouxis – Bass Guitar
Alex Karadimos – Electric Guitar & Effects
Marialena Evangelaki – Violin & Backing Vocals
Έναρξη : 9:30
Damage: 6€
Επικοινωνία – κρατήσεις: FAUST – 210 3234095
Presented by: CPS Records
Επίσημη Κυκλοφορία *No Plumbing Business Ep : 01/03/2018.
Διαθέσιμο σε όλα τα μεγάλα web-stores & σε CD από την CPS-Records.
C-DRAIN on Social media :
https://www.youtube.com/cdrain, https://www.instagram.com/cdrain.music/
BBC RADIO: C-Drain’s “Oh Miami!” – “Very Nice!!!”
Vents Magazine: Indie-rocker C-DRAIN is the alter-ego of versatile musician, songwriter and producer Christos Pappas….The punkish slice of indie is driven by choppy new wave guitar riffs, raw garage-pop vocals… fuelled by a passion for independence and punk DIY spirit he is a European version of shape-shifting garage-rock auteurs like Ty Segall and Ezra Furman.
Music Emissions.com (USA): Rating: 9,5/10 –“Producer/artist Christos Pappas resurfaces with his latest track “Oh Miami!” Blending modern rock with continuing West Coast retro pop theme…this could be the metropolis’ next theme song!”
Escafandrista Musical (Spain): C-DRAIN Come On! : Fast-paced gallops and will probably reach the teenage hearts of the less orthodox indie galaxy.
VINYLMINE: “‘Eνα ευχάριστο EP από τον C-Drain είναι το “No Plumbing Business!”, έναν άνθρωπο που ξέρει να γράφει «σωστά» ποπ τραγούδια.
No TiTle Magazine (UK): “…If this artist continues to unearth interesting influences and a variety of angles his future album would certainly create a few welcome debates…”
Brian Wilson (The Beach Boys): Favourites C-Drain’s ‘Oh Miami!’ and reposted it t on his personal page!
ΕΡΤ (Δεύτερο): C-Drain ‘Covers Unplugged’ στα TOP 6 Αγγλόφωνα άλμπουμ του 2016 και στα TOP 20 όλων των κυκλοφοριών του 2016
ΔΙΣΚΟΡΥΧΕΙΟΝ:‘Covers Unplugged’ “…πολύ καλή δουλειά, δημιουργώντας έναν ήχο χαμηλών τόνων γενικώς, πέραν των λιγοστών εξάρσεων, ο οποίος είναι πλήρης, ακούγεται πλήρης και στέκεται μια χαρά.”
Email: email@cps-records.com cdrain@outlook.com Website: www.cps-records.com, C-DRAIN on: Facebook Soundcloud You Tube Instagram
CPS Records © 2018
*** NEW MUSIC VIDEO OUT NOW! *** 7/2/18!
New C-DRAIN single Come On! a forcing need to dance in #indiemood!
Out from upcoming C-DRAIN Ep Album: #NoPlumbingBusiness! Out: March 1st 2018 / CPS-Records.
Facebook / You Tube / Sound-cloud / Instagram